
How Do I Believe In God?

The Holy God Most High Summons Each Person To Apologise God is fully holy without ever having even the tiniest hint of evil in His character. Sovereign God is the originator of purity, love, holiness, patience, honesty and so much more than that. And that is precisely how He made our planet. Who Then Is Holy God It's not something that God just made the decision to enact, to make life difficult for you and I, it really is who He is. God Most High, cannot ever become anything else, or do anything else. Every one of His governing laws are there to safeguard His holy disposition and to safeguard us. These dynamics were instituted 'into' the entire cosmos, and more than that, imprinted into mankind. He is unable to do anything at all that is inconsistent with His Being. One can call it the 'unchangeable laws of the whole cosmos.' So, the God of the Bible is the Grand Creator God of the complete cosmos, as well as the architect of the minutest part of a proton,...